really happy to have released my ‘little booklet to break the spell’ for lulu, exactly 12 years after it had seen the light of day on christmas 2009.

may scrub ebook editions, so make sure you get a real copy – ‘owning something’ as opposed to supposedly great reset ‘own nothing be happy’ sentiments …

***UPDATE – i have now scrubbed all ebook editions. spring 2024. they’re pathetic, lol.


another ‘open letter’, this time a job application i composed in response to an ad by austrian ‘wochenblick’, a weekly newspaper (and a new tv station called ‘auf1’ since last month). they’re one of the very few ‘independent’ news outlets (especapially among german speaking ones) and i felt thrilled when i wrote this thoughtful and sensitive piece to perhaps become part of changing the totally rotten and corrupt media landscape in germany, austria and switzerland.

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***UPDATE – this essay is now part of the SYSTEMICS II book.

[ contemplations and explanations on ultimate reality ]

this is something that came up lately, in our ‘controversial’ upload of one of eric dubai’s interviews on facebook. someone asked in the end how come the earth could be flat if everything else in our micro- and macro-cosmoses gives us the impression that it’s round and circling around a central nucleus … ?

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***UPDATE – a slightly more polished and beautifully type-set version is part of the SYSTEMICS II book.

(made available to read online for free once in a while or generally with a donation based password.)

[ about notions of home, real and imagined, written for a homeless shelter open-mike gig ]



It used to be that the home is where the hearth is. It was, for the most part of human history, the centre of living, the always welcoming source of food, warmth and communication. Entire Greek cities used to be centered around the original fireplace laid down by their respective founders. It had to be kept burning as the flickering symbol of a flourishing society for as long as the city that grew around it existed.

Things progressed, obviously, and after many decades of struggles and petty achievements, as the new centre-of-home has now established itself a mighty piece of flashy machinery. The television. So much for the evolution of mankind.

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***UPDATE – a slightly more polished and beautifully type-set version is part of the SYSTEMICS II book.

(made available to read online for free once-in-a-while or generally with a donation based password.)

since the most recent developments here have led to informal meetings with the management of my local library (a hi-tech-architecture-media-learning-centre chain) and a crazy illuminating clash with a gestapo-resembling security in the basement of the british library, i felt the open letter to the former deserves to enlighten the general public.

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so this is where our promotional activities culminate it seems, at least for now. everything left to say on this project is there on this little inconspicuous piece of work. i’m well pleased with this, not only design-wise where i’m for instance getting the cute apple dingbats skull out of the dustbin. it works even in tinyiest sizes and the layers of meaning revealing themselves are extraordinary, the more you look at it and really think about it.

about the latter, the shades of meaning, i’ve come across a red-white-and-black packaged dvd of ‘blow up’ the other day, where a brilliant commentary reveals so many more layers that would definitely remain hidden from the casual viewer.

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***UPDATE – a slightly more polished and beautifully type-set version is part of the SYSTEMICS II book.

(made available to read online for free once-in-a-while or generally with a donation based password.)

this is an email that i’ve just sent out to my local council here in london and to related agencies in order to further clarify the situation of persecution and cultivation. i thought the general public deserves to know at the same time. hope you appreciate …

[ some addendum on the GREY ZONE paper, an open letter to my local government ]


A lot of people aren’t quite clear what this really means, ‘persecution’, or what cultivation in a secular setting (as it is for instance practiced with Falun Dafa) is all about. While much of this confusion is actually part of the entire cultivation process and considered also a major part of the cultivation environment that this place of the Three Realms is providing, it also has meant that throughout the dissemination of the Fa, everyone – from top to bottom, bottom to the top – has been taking their true position amidst a framework of delusion.

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***UPDATE – a slightly more polished and beautifully type-set version is part of the SYSTEMICS II book.

(made available to read online for free once-in-a-while or generally with a donation based password.)

[ some thoughts on the nature of persecution ]



For quite some time I’ve been thinking about putting together a solid rationale about my ‘spreading the word’ activities in public, about my endeavours to establish a professional loophole that cuts through the complex and tight spiderweb that’s been established – with almost everyone farcically contributing – as our notions, angles and vantage point of ‘human reality’. Such an undertaking raises such enormous issues as counteracting the removal of organs, of lives, ideas, even of gods … or the suppression and persecution of universes, worlds, countries, philosophies, careers, individuals, etc. While on the merely mundane, it involves the shedding of light into our ridiculous struggle of ‘who’s right and who’s wrong’ that has turned out to be a kind of pivot of all human pettiness and its brainwashed, instigated arena called ‘survival of the fittest’ – probably since the beginning of time. Or at least since Keen opted to terminate his brother Able, only to satisfy his jealousy-fueled desire to keep-up appearances, by wiping away that which is Pure and True from the surface of the earth. Or to be more precise, to remove someone else’s above-the-line Visibility for the sake of upholding a wicked, below-the-line Lie.

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it’s november and since we’ve done our july session of the same idea, more questions came up. again, we’re distributing them around london on those advertising ash trays outside of many places and this time interspersing them with some printouts of goddesses & demonesses and tailored draft ads.
like last time, those questions should inspire rational thinking while being understood according to each person’s level of courage and spirtiual ‘achievement’.

hope they help a little in probably quite tumultuous times ahead …

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for a while i’ve been thinking whether we should run a teaser campaign but in the end we decided against it. as you all know, i don’t like hype at all and considering the present situation where i’m somewhat proven correct on this, a situation where campaigning, in the face of gigantic truths unravelling, is increasingly rendered thoroughly ad absurdum, it could be said, that any more than a mere notification of availability, any hustling or underhanded marketing strategy, would imply that whatever is attempted to be sold, as being suspicious, if not outright dodgy.

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***UPDATE – a slightly more polished and beautifully type-set version is part of both the SYSTEMICS II as well as the MORE LOVE book.

(made available to read online for free once-in-a-while or generally with a donation based password.)



[ a little experimental essay on something rather enormous ]


Better begin with what it is not. Let’s say, for the purpose of this paper, trying to cover the human angle from a purely human vantage point – whatever it is for animals and plants, for humans it isn’t. Yes, propagation does occur (sometimes is getting out of hand) but a pure angle of biologism seems utterly ridiculous in the face of what we’re going to say. Besides, what is Life anyway? Who’s to say that only molceular-biological duplication patterns constitute life? Hasn’t it been talked about in the Buddha school, for example, that everything is alive and the mere frictional movement of matter can give birth to new matter?



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taking the risk of being slapped-on the label INSANE by any passers-by and therefore being further segregated from the rest of ‘humanity’ than i already am – getting into the whole poetry thing really just happened lately. this phase is probably all over again now, after this,  but it seemed to express how i felt about the world in the most appropriate way during the past couple of months. close friends know anyway that i’ve never been more vital and clear than i am now. they also know that there’s an extremely rational and sincere trajectory behind everything that i’ve been doing, always upholding the TRUTH and dismantling the LIE.

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