[ an attempt to find consoling words and perhaps offer a real way out ]



This came-up in my life recently full-on and hard-core. It is very hard to talk about it, even though the topic only exists in this world because no one talks about it, especially not the victims who’re threatened with unimaginable penalties including the loss of their lives. I’ve hit upon it a few years ago, when I shared work of Fritz Springmeier (mainly on facebook where I’ve continuously been writing draft magazine). He was one of the earlier brave researchers digging and talking. He ‘saved’ quite a few victims. Another related topic I shared was Cathy o’Brian who was very lucky to be saved from sex slavery within high-level political circles and then openly talked about her experiences and the wisdom attained for many years now. A lot of people in the truth community know about her.

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so this is where our promotional activities culminate it seems, at least for now. everything left to say on this project is there on this little inconspicuous piece of work. i’m well pleased with this, not only design-wise where i’m for instance getting the cute apple dingbats skull out of the dustbin. it works even in tinyiest sizes and the layers of meaning revealing themselves are extraordinary, the more you look at it and really think about it.

about the latter, the shades of meaning, i’ve come across a red-white-and-black packaged dvd of ‘blow up’ the other day, where a brilliant commentary reveals so many more layers that would definitely remain hidden from the casual viewer.

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