so i have to tone down my website as you guys keep spamming me with hits lately. i’ve made accounts with SUBSTACK and PATREON and will mirror a lot of content there (some free, some paywalled) while i’m password protecting even more of my stuff here and putting this link tree ‘id card’ up as a holding page.

feel free to roam all of those outlets, get in touch or involved. i’ll also publish the infamous draft magazine through some of the above channels.


another open letter. this time re: takedown of draft magazine from amazon yesterday. started with a typical redshill-style coercive antic executed by an upstart button hero and was followed by a more professional ‘doubling down’ by mauren after i’d replied such essentially editorial decisons will result in my taking down all draft issues as a result.

hope this is found enlightening for many.

Hi Mauren,

so I regard your email as being the ‘official’ confirmation of Vaisakh’s earlier decision to block the draft literary magazine issue from being available for sale on Amazon by a higher instance within the Amazon framework? Is this reading correct?

As I clarified earlier, there hasn’t been an issue for many years with this. All I have done is tweak commas and republish the ‘culprit’. What changed?

As to your ‘guidelines’ as such – well, I have to say as long as it isn’t stated what specifically triggered the alarm bells – what is it? the dwarves offering sweets to the goddess, her not wearing any pants, the hideous cretins imprisoned between her legs in an earth buried trail emanating from the horizon, the ghostly fun fair without humans entertained in it whatsoever? – I do not feel confident publishing anything anymore in the future with you guys. Most of the things I know and say can be ‘bent’ to infringing empty ‘guidelines’ if taken out of intellectual discourse that is art and fiction. If sticklers and hypocrites are at work hiding behind their pathetic buttons.

Mind you – you didn’t have a problem listing a publication that was specifically produced as ‘pornography’ (Rear Entry by Eros Comix / Fantagraphics) as apparently having been authored by me – even though I have only been contributing with 5 pages as a graphic novel ‘illustrator’ (authored anonymously by an ex-girlfriend) and it has de-facto been authored – uncredited, as editor in chief – by Michael Dowers. And I’m certain this hasn’t changed at all. Listing is still up and deceiving just fine, lol. (And I don’t have a problem if credits are adjusted and depicted accurately for listings as this to be available on Amazon.)

Which is to say while you make a fuzz about first class artwork that is not at all considered ‘pornographic’ by anyone with a fine art education (slandering it insinuatingly, not daring to do it explicitly, as if it wasn’t clear to anyone how professionally and considerately this artwork has been created) – you turn a blind eye on the really important things such as those of copyright and credits.

And here comes the greatest irony of our present discourse – the plot twist that only those who read with a pure heart were able to see from the get-go – pieces of art such as this (as well as other artworks along those borderlines using people’s buried anxieties and desires, stirring psychological undercurrents both of vileness and goodness) raise precisely the entire issue of child abuse and women objectification – opening wide the darkest abyss – in a literary context that has the full backing of professional psychology.

Wouldn’t you then call this present head-slapping episode ‘hypocrisy’ by human standards and ‘professional misconduct’ by intellectual ones? What is an author of literary fiction today if they’re lectured by rogue unprofessionalism pretending to uphold ‘content guidelines’ while in reality they’re with self-righteous impunity enforcing extremely serious censorship of creative expression and thus partaining editorial license to an independent author’s creative work?

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i’ve again been suspended because people hit my page with too many clicks. so now i made nearly all ‘important’ posts – those that found their save haven in my printed books – protected with a password. again, if you trouble yourself to internet your way back (as long as they don’t take the memory machine offline for real, lol), you can still view everything ‘for free’. and again, you’re very welcome to leave any amount of tip at my donation page for the multi-pass in return. but obviously, i even more strongly recommend buying the hard copies. (LULU – all of them and preferred) & (AMAZON – only earlier versions and more convenient for you but less profitable for me).

owning objects means having something in hand that has an intrinsic and symbolic value. this value can alter dramatically with the fluctuating exchange rate that unfolding reality is imbuing it with. that value determines whether you have exchanged well the amount you put forth on lulu (or amazon). and if you did – you can drive home a profit. why? because i’m holding the rights as the author to determine the ‘floor price’. as long as print-on-demand scarcity is the law of its circulation (which i can not see changing anymore in the future, my limited editions and hand-crafted editions of the past having been outlived), i have the freedom to determine this floor price completely independent from any external restrictors (publishers / distributors / competition etc). isn’t this exactly the same as it is with NFT’s?

which brings us directly to the current nft game. it’s exactly the same principle, really, only the tangible item comes in the form of an unalterable ethereum block chain entry instead of an item one holds in their hands. again, i’m owning the rights as the author to determine the floor price. no publisher, no distributor, no intermediary or regulator. and again, the fluctuating value imbued by ‘reality’ can alter quite dramatically. i think what nft’s can teach today’s people, especially the younger generation, is how trade used to work for rich people. i have already mentioned this in my earlier post.

so the above screenshot is my new shop for the NFT’s that i’m minting. thanks to the fantastic support from, it was all accomplished astonishingly quick. to be honest, i still can’t believe how easy it ultimately was. and i even linked to my domain directly for convenience, via cloudflare.


i’m very excited, feeling like a teenager again, lol. what i’m increasingly seeing is that this might work extremely well not just for myself. but also for a lot of other people who can sense the potential. put their money where their mouth is. welcome to web3. connect your wallet.


winter 2024



just a quick note – i’m getting too much traffic lately, so that my provider keeps reprimanding me. yeah, funny situation. but anyway, puts reality straight. the worthless is pushed and hustled and shared millionfold while the pearls are meant to be low key and laid low. it seems a universal law and makes totally sense to me.

as a result, i’m password protecting most of the fiction work (my main art) and some of the non-fiction. i think you’re better off having the hard copy in your hand, anyway, also considering the very likely blackout of the internet the moment ‘truth’ hits the critical cue on the game theory perception management algos.

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really happy to have released my ‘little booklet to break the spell’ for lulu, exactly 12 years after it had seen the light of day on christmas 2009.

may scrub ebook editions, so make sure you get a real copy – ‘owning something’ as opposed to supposedly great reset ‘own nothing be happy’ sentiments …

***UPDATE – i have now scrubbed all ebook editions. spring 2024. they’re pathetic, lol.


this is the first sample of ASTROLOGY writing which i’m putting herewith online. it is an excerpt from the preface of THE LANGUAGE OF GROWTH, a book i’m currently working on. the text has been used as the intellectual backbone for a ‘micro lesson’ i held at city & islington college in london, yesterday morning.

“we astrologers feel that there is a ‘meaningful logic’ behind the movement of the PLANETS in our solar system which deeply affects us as human beings. by somehow ‘relating’ to our endocrine and nervous systems, the planetary CYCLES thereby establish a framework which we have come to refer to as FATE. behind FATE, we feel, lies a certain programme, and the goal of this programme – the game plan, or MEANING of it, if you will – is to reach a genuine state of HAPPINESS – brought upon through a healthy and mature dedication to the individual and collective GROWTH of HUMAN POTENTIAL.

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this is the demo tape from 1999 which is still the one i’m showing to people. it contains all the stuff i’ve done while studying at the academy and simultaneously working as a designer and animator, mainly for DMC.




this is my WAX video, my masters degree piece. it came into the finals at the NEW YORK DIGITAL SALON competition 1999.



ISSEY MIYAKE shop visual for the conduit street flag ship store, london, 2003.



a 5 second animation of a dishwashing tablet. this piece ran as the product demonstration sequence of a uk nationwide tv commercial for GLIST, 2004.