really happy to have released my ‘little booklet to break the spell’ for lulu, exactly 12 years after it had seen the light of day on christmas 2009.

may scrub ebook editions, so make sure you get a real copy – ‘owning something’ as opposed to supposedly great reset ‘own nothing be happy’ sentiments …

***UPDATE – i have now scrubbed all ebook editions. spring 2024. they’re pathetic, lol.


another ‘open letter’, this time a job application i composed in response to an ad by austrian ‘wochenblick’, a weekly newspaper (and a new tv station called ‘auf1’ since last month). they’re one of the very few ‘independent’ news outlets (especapially among german speaking ones) and i felt thrilled when i wrote this thoughtful and sensitive piece to perhaps become part of changing the totally rotten and corrupt media landscape in germany, austria and switzerland.

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