so i have to tone down my website as you guys keep spamming me with hits lately. i’ve made accounts with SUBSTACK and PATREON and will mirror a lot of content there (some free, some paywalled) while i’m password protecting even more of my stuff here and putting this link tree ‘id card’ up as a holding page.

feel free to roam all of those outlets, get in touch or involved. i’ll also publish the infamous draft magazine through some of the above channels.


just a quick note – i’m getting too much traffic lately, so that my provider keeps reprimanding me. yeah, funny situation. but anyway, puts reality straight. the worthless is pushed and hustled and shared millionfold while the pearls are meant to be low key and laid low. it seems a universal law and makes totally sense to me.

as a result, i’m password protecting most of the fiction work (my main art) and some of the non-fiction. i think you’re better off having the hard copy in your hand, anyway, also considering the very likely blackout of the internet the moment ‘truth’ hits the critical cue on the game theory perception management algos.

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